Installation and Troubleshooting Instructions

Windows Installation

### Using Anaconda

  1. Visit the Anaconda website at and download the installer.

  2. Run the installer and accept the default installation settings.

  3. Create a new environment named "PASTA-ELN" and select the Python 3.11 option.

  4. Click the "New" button to open the terminal and execute the following commands: * pip install pasta-eln * pip install pasta-eln -U --no-dependencies (if you encounter issues with 'aiohttp') * python -m pasta_eln.gui

### Using Default Python

If you prefer to install Python via the default installer:

  1. Visit the Python website at and download the Windows installer for your architecture (likely 64-bit).

  2. Run the installer and select the option to "Add python.exe to PATH".

  3. Click "Install Now" to complete the installation.

Recommendation: We recommend installing additional packages such as matplotlib, pandas, and spyder to enhance your Python environment. To test your installation, open the Command Prompt and execute the following commands:

pip install matplotlib pandas spyder
python -c "import numpy as np;x = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi);y = np.sin(x);import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;plt.plot(x,y);"

### Installing PASTA-ELN via Command Prompt

  1. Open the Command Prompt and execute the following commands: * pip install pasta-eln * pip install pasta-eln -U --no-dependencies (if you encounter issues with 'aiohttp') * python -m pasta_eln.gui

Linux Installation

  1. Navigate to a folder of your choice (e.g., your home directory) and create a new virtual environment with the name .venvPastaELN.

  2. Activate the virtual environment by running source .venvPastaELN/bin/activate.

  3. Install PASTA-ELN by executing pip install pasta-eln.

  4. Run the PASTA-ELN graphical interface by executing python -m pasta_eln.gui.


If the graphical interface does not open, you can execute the following command to determine the status:

python -m pasta_eln.installationTools

To start the setup of the requirements, execute:

python -m pasta_eln.installationTools install

Important: Only execute the next step when setting up PASTA-ELN for the first time. To create the example dataset, execute:

python -m pasta_eln.installationTools example

Afterwards, the normal 'pastaELN' command should work, and a desktop icon should be present.